my baby--baby boy turned 2 yestderday.. it was a good day for him.. we had chicken nuggets and fries for dinner and then cake. ( me attempt at decorating seemed to work).. we also got bubbles, chalk, cars and a ball from grandma and grandpa merrifeld.. we are buying him a tricycle or a car but havnt decided yet.. all is all it was fun.. but it also did make me realize that i am truly in the next stage of life.. no longer having babies.. no one ever tells you when u are younger about this.. all they say is you are going to grow up get married and have kids.. this phase is still new to me. it doesnt really sadden me at all.. its just strange.. all though i am super excited.. one more year till we are out of diapers and that really excits me..but to my little boy i love you and am so grateful that you came to our family.. you challange me and love me everyday.. you are so funny and curious and def very fast on your toes. love you forever..happy birthday my 2 year old..A-
It is a fun new phase for you guys. Move on and make vacations etc.. a lot easier. Happy bday Emmett!