Our Family

Our crazy boy filled family but with one cute little girl, how can you resist our charm...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

cookies and humility

i made these for corey today.   after a good breakdown last night and then my good friend katie whom i love so much telling me today to pull my head out of my @#$ today.  she asked me if having money would change me or what i am doing for christmas and i said no.  i still would not be buying t.v.'s or game systems.  maybe a few more necessitites but nothing big or crazy.  i also came across a great post on facebook by one of the general authorites.  he was saying that it is ok to go to the lord and say i am having a hard time.  it could be about your health, your job or even anything.  the lord knows what u are going through.  so do something for someone else to help ease your pain.  so i did something little like that today and made coreys favorite cookies that he has been asking me to make for a year.  i know that this trial of survival and living off of no money wont last forever but it will still be a while.  i can now face it again and hopefully get through it.  its hard and it will be hard but  it will end and i hope i can understand what the lord is trying to teach me.  but until then its day by day and sometimes hour by hour.  A-


  1. glad you're feeling better :) love you.

  2. Sorry you're going through a tough time lady, but thank goodness for friends and family that help us pull our head out and see clearly!! Hope you're feeling better and Merry Christmas!! Love you guys!
