Our Family

Our crazy boy filled family but with one cute little girl, how can you resist our charm...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

last soccer game

cameron had his last soccer game today and did really well. i cant beleive how well he played. so i guess next year we will be playing again and thats ok with me. cameron is already talking about playing next year too. now its time for school to be over and the summer to begin.. A-

emmetts 1st hair cute

so emmett had his very 1st hair cut last night. he did really well and was not sure what was happening, but all is good. he looks so grown up today with his new look. A-

Sunday, May 15, 2011


so the wheather has finally gotten warm here. the kids have been digging a hole in the backyard for awhile. i think it had something to do with corey saying he wanted a fire pit. anyway this past week since the wheather got really nice and warm the kids thought they needed to add water. it is pretty funny.. all i have to say is thank goodness the warm wheather is here and its about time. :-) A-

Sunday, May 8, 2011

emmetts cake

with all of my kids 1st birthdays we always gave them cake to have fun with. emmett was not so sure about but did seem to have a good time once he realized it was ok to be messy..A-

happy mothers day...

emmetts 1st birthday

emmett is now 1...wow where did the past year go. he is trying to say words like, dont, go, no, mom and dad..he loves to wave and esp to be outside. he is really trying to walk and should be there in no time. he as taken a few steps here and there which is really exciting. he is a wonderful little boy but i just wish he would sleep through the night. someday he will and that is what i have to count on. enjoy the video but ignore the singing voices. A-

Friday, May 6, 2011

emtional mess

so i am emtional mess this week.. i am tired cuz my little one has been sick with teething and then yesterday he was throwing up all day. he stopped last night and now its a fever and hopefully he will be ok cuz he is turing one this weekend and we are supposed to be having a party. i am also emtional cuz he is turning one. this is my baby. my baby baby. my last baby. corey and i are done having children. i am good with that. we are complete but it is that bittersweet feeling knowing that you are never going to be preganant, nursing a baby, or even have a brand new baby in your house again. but then i thought i have done this 5 times and am very tired. i am ready for that next stage in life of enjoying my family. but still it is sad and happy. i love being mom and am so grateful.. i do love the fact after 10 years that i can stay home. my baby is turing one and i am emtional....A-

Sunday, May 1, 2011

he is thinking about it...

well the past week or so emmett has been getting bravier as far as trying to walk. none of my kids walked till they hit their 1st birthday or so, so im not worried. it still would be nice so he could go outside and play and do other things that walking would be so much better than crawling. i tried this trick this past week and he is enjoying the fact that he can walk with help. who know he turns 1 this week. we shall see..A-